The Adulterous Woman: One Forgiveness Step Too Far

The scandal of grace is more outrageous than we can ever know. The Adulterous Woman who is brought before Jesus in John 8, provides us with one of the most evocative and famous interactions in all of the gospels, but it’s also one that provides many questions. What did Jesus write in the sand? Why did the Jewish leaders walk away, and what can we take from what Jesus said to the woman, after he told her she was not to be condemned? There is SO much more to this interaction than meets the eye, and so much more depth to his rebuttal of these men than a simple ‘yeah but we all sin sometimes' … he knows exactly how they’ve laid this trap and he calls them out - no holds barred. It’s a little-known fact that early church leaders tried to have it excluded from the bible (grace to an adulterous woman is grace too far!) but Jesus sees the woman, he sees her shame and he frees her from condemnation… “Go and sin no more” raises some questions too, but this passage shows as clearly as ever, that the extend of the grace that Jesus shows knows absolutely no limits. It’s utterly absurd.