1 John - This is the Message - Of God's Deep Compassion

As we wrap up 1 John, we take a fresh look at John the Beloved. Why does it matter that he saw himself as “the one Jesus loved”? Perhaps it’s connected with the reality of the depth of God’s womb-like compassion for his children…and that, says 1 John, is what we are! When we reflect on 1 John in light of the gospel account of John, there’s a richness to the character of Jesus that we see more clearly. We are invited to look closer at the power of the Spirit, of testimony, and one final “p.s.” of 1 John 5.

1 John - This is the Message - To Overcome

In a pluralistic society, there are many ideas and narratives competing with the gospel for our trust and devotion. So how are we to respond? Rather than fighting back, withdrawing or giving in to these, we overcome by relying on Jesus and surrendering to his Kingdom. When we seek Jesus and his Kingdom, all the details of our lives are taken care of. We'll find that he is worthy of our trust because he knows us and his Kingdom is one that cannot be shaken. When we seek his Kingdom all the other competing stories and ideas lose power because King Jesus outshines the rest.

1 John - This is the Message - Of Love

We’re given the imperative to love one another but we must first ask ‘what is love?’ Most of human history has shown that we’re often still scrambling in the dark for an answer. While there may be many opinions and definitions of love, Jesus is the source, embodiment, and culmination of love. When we receive his love ongoingly, we can really love as we’re supposed to – not just in talk but in action. This kind of love is risky but in it we become fully alive, fully ourselves, and undeniably connected to the One who loves us.

1 John - This is the Message - Obedience

Obedience - a word destined to elicit a whole bunch of feelings in people, not usually positive ones! Nevertheless we’re called to obedience to Jesus. Yet so often what obedience is and how it works has been misunderstood. For many it seems impossibly onerous. But true obedience flows from intimacy with God - the more we are connected to him, the more we necessarily follow his guidance. So our prayer should be not ‘help me be more obedient’ but ‘help me be more connected’. As we draw closer to him, his commands stop being burdensome.

1 John - This is the Message - Of Truth

What does truth even mean anymore? It’s personal. It’s relative. Yours is none of my business and mine none of yours. But if who Jesus is, and what he did isn’t ‘true’ true, then what are we even doing here at church? This actually isn’t such a new conversation. As it spread across the region, early churches were rife with those who wanted to change or own it it make it a bit more like their own beliefs. Sometimes it’s quite important to ask what the difference between being true, and being right (because the funny thing with grace is… it never ever needs to be right)