Ben Manusama

David: An Act of Faith

David: An Act of Faith

David sparing Saul’s life was not just an act of mercy and forgiveness, but it was an act of great faith. When faced with the opportunity to take his destiny into his own hands, David chose to trust in the Lord to do what He said that He would do. This simple moment of trusting God gives us an insight into why he is one of the great heroes of the Christian faith, and encourages us put our hope in God for our own lives.

Palm Sunday - Welcoming Jesus as King

Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, where He was welcomed by crowds of people who spread palm branches and cloaks on the road in front of Him as a sign of honour and respect. They were caught up with the joy that comes from 700 years of waiting for a mighty deliverer to free them from their oppressors. Only 5 days later this same crowd would turn against Jesus and demand that He be crucified because they didn’t understand that the kingdom Jesus came to establish was not a physical nation, but a kingdom found in the hearts of people.

The Way to See God

Is it possible to see God? The Apostle John writes from experience that the way we see God is not dependent on our senses. Instead, we see God clearest when we love one another. As God’s children, he forms us to be representatives of him, emissaries of his love to do his will. Our hope is that the Spirit enabled love between us would be enough for others to see God.

Philippians - Letter of Hope - An Intro

Ben introduces our new series on the joyful letter that Paul wrote to the church in Philippi, which feels particularly relevant to us today. We reflect on the tumultuous times surrounding Christians in the early church, and set the scene for one of Paul’s most encouraging letters, as he promises us that Christ has gifted us with the ability to endure these difficult times.