Jesus With The Demonized

It’s easy to go to extremes in our beliefs about supernatural evil - some become unhealthily obsessed, whilst others can dismiss its existence entirely. In order to be true to the New Testament we must acknowledge both that the demonic exists, but also that this doesn’t now mean all our problems are the result of demons. In fact demonization tends to be relatively rare. When someone is being delivered from the demonic, it is very obvious, so we don’t need to search for demons, demons, everywhere! We can relax! 

What Jesus’ deliverance ministry does remind us though is that we live in the midst of a battle. The devil will use anything - the brokenness of our parents, our religious leaders, our friends and fellow believers, and especially ourselves - to steal the life from us. But Jesus is victorious over it all. He is the one who sets us free from all the pain of the past. Let us allow him to be the king of his kingdom and welcome his deliverance from the old and his welcome into the new.