David: Give it to God

We begin our series in 1 and 2 Samuel with the story of Hannah. Her culture tells her that she is valued only if she bears children, but she is barren. This causes great distress. Her husband Elkanah tries to be kind, but unwittingly simply replaces one sort of cultural expectation and oppression with another (that her worth can be found in being a loved wife). Hannah chooses instead to pray and seek God. In doing so she gives both herself and her potential pregnancy to God, and it is this process of surrender that brings joy and peace. Moreover in her rejoicing she hints at a greater peace that is to come- not just for her, but the whole world. God’s anointed Messiah is coming, the prince of peace, to end all anguish and strife. When we can come before him in prayer and submission, he carries us free from the burdens that cultural expectation look to oppress us with, and we can as Hannah did before, live in peace and joy.